We are so excited about the direction we are starting to head in this country. I've been going about my day with such hope in my heart. I just want to hug everyone I see...though I'm resisting the urge! For me, like so many, Barack Obama first caught my attention in 2004 when he made his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention. Charlie was a newborn baby and as is true with a newborn in the house, everything else was just background noise including the Democratic National Convention. But, somehow, Barack Obama caught my attention in a BIG way. I remember, turning to Jeff and saying, "Who is this guy?" A couple of years later when rumors circulated that he might run for president, I got very excited and can still remember how I quickly called Jeff and my good friend Deirdre when he announced his candidacy. Later, I decided that maybe I was getting swept away in my own excitement, so I carefully studied all the viable cadidates--from both parties. Still, I remained convinced that Obama was just what we needed right now in history. I volunteered for his campaign in small ways, calling and canvasing, and met many wonderful people of all ages and mindsets along the way. I now refer to them affectionately as my "Obama Friends". Many of of my "Obama Friends" are like me and have never volunteered for a campaign of any kind, but felt inspired and motivated to be a part of this campaign. I really believe that President Elect Obama can unify us where before we were divided and that he can set us on a new track when we need it most. I don't think he'll do it easily or quickly...these things take time. But I'm filled with hope and pride for this country. And I'm feeling especially encouraged about the future of these three people and their generation, to whom I am quite endeared:
Charlie, Meagan, and James celebrating a new president at our very home made party.
We let the kids stay up late last night to be able to witness history in the making. They loved watching the results come in as they colored their own electoral maps red and blue (Thanks for the link, Deirdre). Victory was especially sweet thanks to this wonderful treat left on our door step by our good friends. Thank you!!
"Obama 2008" Cupcakes.
Maybe a photo of a newspaper makes more sense than keeping an actual copy...trying to let go more!
Thanks for always keeping me updated and intrigued by Obama, despite my cynical hesitation.
Aidan read your post with me and we loved seeing the 3 Rockows but we wanna know---how'd you get one of our plates!?! (Anne has good taste?)
Deirdre- Your post today reminded me again of how profound this election has been and how grateful I am to be an American--that's hardly cynical! You are right, you and Anne have the same good taste in dishes.
boy does James look like Jeff.
I am so glad you are excited. I too really liked his speech in 2004. It is crazy to think he was just a part time Chicago politican way back then. Look how far he has risen in such a short time, it is truly amazing. It means our country is the land of opportunity, and anyone can break the establishment.
It worries me too but I am willing to wait and see.
Also I am glad we had a CAtholic pres in JFK and have a Black President now... I am just waiting for all the Mormon bigotry to melt away so we can have a Mormon for President. I think the world may end before that happens though.
ps I am not as cynical as this comment sounds.
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