But, her neck would get sore and she'd have to rest for a bit here and there. What's a giraffe to do?:
James was a lion...a most adorable lion. The costume was lovingly created by his Grammy, my mom.
Sidebar: My mom, the same mom who told me the blue-flowered dress and ratty stuffed dog would do just fine for Dorothy, is, as it turns out, an amazing costume designer. It makes me hopeful that I too have some unhidden talents that will reveal themselves when I'm no longer raising children 24/7. Every fall, my mom has made anywhere from 1-5 costumes for her grandchildren starting from when Meagan, her first grandchild, celebrated her first Halloween as a caterpillar at just 10 days old. And the costumes are all amazing! Case in point: Last year, my niece won a community-wide costume contest in a Grammy created costume as...get this...Dorothy!
So, James was a lion all day. As he headed off to school in his costume, he said, with lion-like pride, "Grammy was sure nice to make his so warm and cozy for me."
As part of the photo shoot, I asked him to growl like a lion for the picture. James, who might be the sweetest boy in the universe, could only muster up this much of a growl:
Charlie was a monkey. A friend lent him this costume many weeks ago and he has worn it for a portion of almost every day since. He was excited to take his monkey act on the road last night:
Right after the kids got out of school, we went trick-or-or treating on our tiny cul-de-sac delivering pumpkin cookies to our 4 neighbors like we do every year:
The JUNGLE was well received by Bill and Kylie down the street who always buy extra special full-size treats for the kids every year.
Then we headed over to a Halloween gathering at our good friends' home. The kids all had such a fun time together:
Charlie monkeying around with his favorite matte, Gabe.
We parents stood back and enjoyed the splendor of seeing our crowd of a giraffe, a lion, a monkey, a pirate, 2 cowgirls, a tooth fairy, Superman, and a witch run from door to door yelling "Trick-Or-Treat".
When we returned to the house, we insisted that the kids let an adult check their candy to make sure it was safe to eat.
The LION apparently didn't get the memo that the candy had to be inspected before eating it. When he dumped his bag out for inspection, it was mostly wrappers. He had apparently been snacking on his treats all along the trick-or-treat route!
The MONKEY took great pride in counting all of his treats and shooed anyone away who looked like they might want to sample his stash--even his own mother.
The GIRAFFE made some sneaky trades with her brothers to bulk up her stash with her favorite treats.
No matter the disguise, their true colors always shine.
wow the giraffe is impressive. I loved this blog post! I hated halloween as a kid too. Probably the same thing about the sweaty pokey plastic masks!! And awkwardly going up to people you don't know to beg for candy.
Now I do like it its fun. We mostly know everyone in our new neighborhood since we were first up here, so its fun to see everyone and chat as they stop by etc..
And in small towns it seems a bit different plus THE KIDS ARE too little to go too far.
Wow thse costumes were pretty awesomee!!
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