Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The One-Tooth Wonder

Check out James and what we call his "egg-tooth"...that lone tooth in the front there. This was taken moments after he pulled out the tooth on the right. The tooth missing on the opposite side has been gone for a while. He knocked it out when he was four years old when he made too sharp a turn on his scooter. That event was followed by an emergency trip to the dentist and then to the ER to stitch up his lip. It was all worth it to him when the tooth fairy made her first visit to him that night...two years before his time. That "egg-tooth" is loose, so soon he'll be our "toothless wonder"...but until then I just get a real kick out of that one tooth of his. So does Jeff. James doesn't find it so funny though...especially when his dad says, "James, it's almost time for bed. Go brush your tooth."


Salty Incisor said...

Jack went through that ordeal with massively swollen gums etc before christmas His big teeth have already descended though and what a change from before its fun though and there is nothing cuter than baby teethed kids I noticed as more of their teeth come in the sassier they get.

Anonymous said...

JAmes, you have what is known as "SUMMER TEETH" Some are Teeth and Some are not!! GRAMMY

Angie said...

As of yesterday, he now has "Nunner Teeth". It's true. None are teeth anymore. Why is that so cute when your 7, and not at all cute when you are 77?